Member FAQs
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Union dues help finance crucial union operations like contract negotiations, contract enforcement, organizing, arbitration costs, legal representation, legislative lobbying and member-driven programs.
Member dues are also used to pay the union’s dues to the larger labor organizations the local participates in, namely the VPFF, the IAFF, and the AFL-CIO (NOVA Labor).
Please fill out the Contract Dispute Form here to let the E-Board members know about the situation. We will reach out to discuss what happened and next steps. You can also reach out to your shop steward or a member of the E-Board to follow up on the situation.
Alex Lee (a.lee@afdlocal2141.org)
Sean Europe (s.europe@afdlocal2141.org)
John Silverwood (j.silverwood@afdlocal2141.org)
If you’re interested in serving as a shop steward, please let our Office Manager, Sam McClayton, by emailing her at sam@jsconsultingco.com. We can provide shop steward training, field manuals, and anything else you need to get you comfortable with the process.
Let a member of the E-Board, or our Office Administrator (Sam McClayton) know that you want to be more involved!
With our CBA, there are plenty of opportunities to get involved, whether that’s by serving on a committee, being a shop steward, leading listening sessions, or even being a part of our social media/public relations team!
And if you aren’t interested in serving in an official capacity - don’t sweat it! We’re always looking for ways to utilize the skills of our membership. Let someone know you’re interested in being more involved, and we’ll try to map out the best way to put your specific skills to good use!
Please reach out to Dylan Kempton at d.kempton@afdlocal2141.org with any updates to your contact information, especially your mailing address and email address.
Email our office manager, Sam McClayton at sam@jsconsultingco.com.
See this link for information on getting PFF license plates in Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia. If you are in a different state, please visit your state’s DMV website for information.
President: Josh Turner (j.turner@afdlocal2141.org)
Vice President: Tom Robinson (t.robinson@afdlocal2141.org)
Secretary/Treasurer: Dylan Kempton (d.kempton@afdlocal2141.org)
Retiree Rep: Michael ‘Weezee’ Shaffer (weezee254@yahoo.com)
General E-Board:
John Silverwood (j.silverwood@afdlocal2141.org)
Alex Lee (a.lee@afdlocal2141.org)
Michael "Lurch" Chandler (m.chandler@afdlocal2141.org)
Sean Europe (s.europe@afdlocal2141.org)
Charlie Donohue (a.donohue@afdlocal2141.org )
Amy Lusby (a.lusby@afdlocal2141.org)
What does the union do for me? Why should I be a part of the union?
As individuals, no one employee has enough power to effectively advocate for themselves in regards to improving their pay, benefits and/or working conditions, leaving each of us at the behest of our employer.
But as a collective, we are able to not only advocate for our interests, but also negotiate with the City directly in the hopes of improving our work-life balance. That’s what a Union is - it’s a collection of us, as a workforce, banding together to try to make each of our respective lives better.
There is a long history of what union’s have been able to accomplish here in the U.S. Minimum wage laws, child labor laws, laws related to shorter work days and work weeks (such as the FLSA), safer working conditions, retirement benefits, health care benefits, and worker’s compensation laws were ALL initially won by unions. None of these improvements were given to working people, they were fought for, and won, by unions.
That’s why being a member of the union, and paying union dues, is an investment in your own well-being. It can pay off in the form of better contracts, better pay, better working conditions, and better benefits. In fact, the wage gap between unionized workers and non-unionized workers is approximately 20% on average, nationwide.
In that light, we as a union have many recent victories ourselves. In 2022, our local negotiated our first CBA in over 45 years, winning significant advances on many of the issues that impacted our members, including:
Salary increases over the next three years at the following rates:
FF1, FF2, FF3, FF4, FF LT (VRS) - Increases between 29.90% -38.00% depending on years of service
FF LT(F&P), EMS LT, FF CPT, EMS CPT - Increases between 34.90% - 38.5% depending on years of service
Medic 4, DFM1, DFM2, DFM3- Increases between 13.40%- 24.50% depending on years of service & potential additional market rate adjustments
Reduction in Pay Scale Steps by the end of the contract
Reduction in Hours Worked per week from 56 to 50 by the end of the contract
Full Weingarten rights for members facing potential discipline or investigations
A written Equal Opportunity Employment policy
The use of neutral arbitrators to rule on grievances and contract disputes
Shorts are permitted during warm weather months
A Labor Management Partnership Committee that will continue to negotiate departmental policy changes prior to their implementation
More rights and protections for members regarding overtime and involuntary holdovers
Written, contractual processes for the selections of Acting Officers, Promotions, Annual Leave picks,
A requirement for the AFD to annually updated & share the COOP with all members
Monthly State of the Department emails to all members which outline current open positions within the department, potential upcoming training or educational opportunities, promotional opportunities and exam dates, acting officer opportunities, and a full organizational chart of the Department.
Prohibition on requiring members to perform yard work or other such tasks that are not part of our job descriptions.
None of these things happen without our union. How do we know this? Because the City had 40+ years to give us these increases, but never did. If they wanted to, they would have given us these benefits prior to our union having the right to negotiate for them. It took us, the workforce, working together, to make these things happen.
If you believe that these improvements have made your life better, then we strongly suggest that you become a member for yourself. It’s the dues of our membership that allow us to win the improvements we as a workforce want to see.
Alexandria City Retirement & Pension Contacts
General City Retirement Email: retirement@alexandriava.gov
Retirement Administrator: Kadira Coley - 703-746-3879
Pension Accountant: Nicole LaPoint - 703-746-3895
Health and Life Insurance Benefits: Call 703-746-3785 to reach the Human Resources Benefits and Records Division.
For general inquiries about the City retirement plans, including: Virginia Retirement System, disability, 457 Deferred Compensation Plan (with MissionSquare) and Social Security, call 703-746-3906 or email retirement@alexandriava.gov